A New Zealand Prayer Book / He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa

Variations to the Great Thanksgiving
for the Seasons of

Advent Christmas Epiphany
Lent Passiontide Transfiguration

These variations are made in the indented section of The Great Thanksgiving
on page 421.

Any of the passages in brackets may be omitted.

... male and female you created us.

When we sinned and turned away
you called us back to yourself
and gave your Son to share our human nature.

The appropriate variation from the page opposite is said.

(By his death on the cross,
he made the one perfect sacrifice for the sin of the world
and freed us from the bondage of sin.)

(You raised him to life triumphant over death;
you exalted him in glory.)

In him you have made us a holy people
by sending upon us your holy and lifegiving Spirit.

The Great Thanksgiving continues on page 422.

Therefore with the faithful ...


In his coming among us
the day of our deliverance has dawned,
and through him you will make all things new
when he comes in power and majesty to judge the world.


In him the light which shines for all
has come into the world,
and he has become one with us
that we may become one with you.


In him we see you, the eternal God,
revealing your glory in our flesh,
for he is the light of the nations
who illuminates our darkness.


Who though tempted in every way as we are,
yet did not sin;
through him therefore we may triumph over sin
and grow in grace.


Out of love for us he accepted death and,
lifted high upon the cross,
he drew the whole world to himself;
the tree of shame became the tree of glory.
Where life was lost, there life has been restored.


Before his passion you revealed the glory
of Christ to his disciples,
and your voice from heaven
declared him your beloved Son.

Variations for

Easter Ascension Pentecost Trinity Holy Eucharist

. . . male and female you created us

When we sinned and turned away
you called us back to yourself
and gave your Son to share our human nature.
(By his death on the cross,
he made the one perfect sacrifice for the sin of the world
and freed us from the bondage of sin.)

The appropriate variation below is said.

The Great Thanksgiving continues on page 422.

Therefore with the faithful ...


You raised him to life triumphant over death;
you exalted him in glory.
By his victory over death,
the reign of sin is ended,
a new age has dawned,
a broken world is restored
and we are made whole once more.

In him you have made us a holy people
by sending upon us your holy and lifegiving Spirit.


You raised him to life triumphant over death;
you exalted him in glory,
and gave him the name which is above every name:
at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow
and every tongue confess that he is Lord.

In him you have made us a holy people
by sending upon us your holy and lifegiving Spirit.


(You raised him to life triumphant over death;
you exalted him in glory.)

In him you have made us a holy people
by sending upon us your holy and lifegiving Spirit,
who came with signs from heaven
to lead your Church into all truth.
In the power of the Spirit,
and made ready with his gifts,
we take the joy of the gospel into all the world.


You raised him to life triumphant over death;
you exalted him in glory.

In him you have made us a holy people
by sending upon us your holy and lifegiving Spirit.

In the mystery of your Godhead
you have revealed to us
the fulness of your divine glory.
We praise you, Father, with the Son and the Spirit,
three persons,
equal in majesty,
undivided in splendour,
yet one Lord, one God,
ever to be worshipped and adored.


On the night before he suffered
our Saviour gave us this holy feast,
in which we receive the benefits of his passion
and are filled with the power of his resurrection.

(You raised him to life triumphant over death;
you exalted him in glory.)

In him you have made us a holy people
by sending upon us your holy and lifegiving Spirit.

Additions to the Great Thanksgiving for

Saints Church Baptism Marriage The Departed

These additions are made at the end of the indented section of
The Great Thanksgiving on page 421.

Any of the passages in brackets may be omitted.

... male and female you created us

When we sinned and turned away
you called us back to yourself
and gave your Son to share our human nature.

(By his death on the cross,
he made the one perfect sacrifice for the sin of the world
and freed us from the bondage of sin.)

(You raised him to life triumphant over death;
you exalted him in glory.)

In him you have made us a holy people
by sending upon us your holy and lifegiving Spirit.

The appropriate addition below is said.

The Great Thanksgiving continues on page 422.

Therefore with the faithful ...


We give you thanks for the ready
obedience of the blessed Virgin Mary,
enabling her to answer your call
to be the mother of your Son.
With all generations we call her blessed,
and with her we rejoice and proclaim
the greatness of your holy name.


We give you thanks because Jesus,
the great shepherd of your flock,
after his resurrection sent his apostles
to make disciples of all the nations,
and promised to be with them always,
to the end of time.


We give you thanks for the example
and encouragement of your saints
(especially N), for their witness to the
truth of your gospel, and for the hope
of glory which we share with them
in Jesus Christ.


We give you thanks for your blessing
on this house of prayer, where through
your grace we offer you the sacrifice
of praise, and are built by your Spirit
into a temple made without hands,
even the body of your Son, Jesus Christ.


Through the waters of baptism,
in which we die to sin and rise to new
life, you have made us members of Christ,
the children of God, and inheritors of the
kingdom of heaven.


You blessed us and called us
to share in your work of creation.
You join men and women to each other
and the two become one flesh
to be a sign of your steadfast love.
Before you stand N and N.
Raise them in new life as you raised our


We give you thanks that even in death
we are safe in Christ’s victory over death.
Though under judgment we rest in our
Saviour’s hand; sorrowful, yet we rejoice;
for he is the hope of everlasting life
to all who put their trust in him.


We give you thanks that you have
proclaimed your good news to the people
of this land; and we give you praise for
those whom you have led to be your
witnesses here, that we may, with them,
set forth your glory.